Monday, July 23, 2007

Chapter 10: Spencer's Version

Empty Musings: Spencer on Ice

Hey Book, have you ever had one of those days when things are going along like normal, nothing big going on, and then all of a sudden something happens that just throws you for a loop?

Er, well, maybe not. You being a book and all...

Well, today started out that way. Charity and I had just gotten back from school and I was getting ready to add another homework assignment to the giant stack I've been hiding from Dad when the phone started ringing.

I figured it was Tosha wondering if I wanted to "study" down at the library for a bit, or maybe Allyn wanting to know if I would hang with her down at the mall, so she could flirt with me and make Carl jealous. Imagine my surprise when it was Genesis on the other end of the line. And she wanted me to go downtown to the ice rink with her!

I couldn't get my tongue to work right I was so surprised. From what Tosha told me I wasn't expecting to ever get a chance to hang with Genesis downtown, unless we snuck out. When I was finally able to pick my jaw up off the floor I stammered out a "yes". This is going to be so awesome!

But then, Genesis failed to mention there'd be other people joining us. Or else she mentioned it and my brain was just too numb to register it.

Allyn just gave me this little wink and scampered off...

And Carl faithfully followed her. The guy's mad about her, but hasn't had the guts to tell her yet. And Allyn knows she's got him wrapped around her finger.

Allyn's stunt had the effect she wanted... at least I think she wanted it... anyway, Genesis and I were alone and finally had a chance to talk. She started asking me about school, since she never seemed to run into me in the halls. How could I tell her I'm one of the "Bottom Kids"? We don't exactly come in 'above the average' like the kids up on the third floor where her classes are. So I just kinda danced around the subject and kept saying I had classes in another wing. Eventually she got tired of trying to weasel the truth out of me.

That's when she decided it was time to go outside and hit the ice. And she meant it too. Ow! I can barely run on the treadmill. How does she expect me to keep my balance on two skinny hunks of metal on top of something slick like ice?

I did eventually get it figured out Book. No thanks to Allyn though. She kept making catcalls at me, more to razz Carl than to flirt with me.

It did seem to have a bit of an unexpected effect on Genesis. She was telling me earlier that she'd had skating lessons. I guess she doesn't remember as many of those lessons as she thought.

But I was a gentleman and helped her back to her feet. I didn't even ask her if I could check her... ah... backside for bruises. Hey, I just wanted to make sure she wasn't hurt, you know?

I did get a chance to give it a good visual examination later though, Book. And it looked quite fine to me.

The more we skated, the more Genesis started remembering those skating lessons. Soon she was doing all sorts of jumps and spins and other moves with funny names. Charity would know the name of them. She loves watching that stuff on the sports channel, though I think it's only because of the tight outfits the guys wear.

So I tried to be Mr. Suave and ask her if there were any moves she could show me...

but I kind of flubbed it up and it didn't come out near as smooth as intended. Still, Genesis said she knew a couple of things we could try.

I tried to pay attention to what she was telling me Book, really I did. I tried to concentrate on my feet, but... well... that sweater...

Next thing I knew, my feet were going every which way. I let go of Genesis so I wouldn't make her fall too, but it was a bit late for that. I tried my hardest not too land on her. That would be so not cool.

It took me a good minute or two to get my breath back and stop seeing stars. That fall was worse than a belly flop in the pool. I asked Genesis if she was okay and refrained again from asking to check her backside for bruises. She said she was fine, but she was moving kinda stiff so I figured she wasn't telling the truth. I started to apologize to her; here she's planned this great day skating and all the rest of us had done was goof around and cause her to get all cold and stiff. She tried to tell me that if you're skating you have to expect to go down a time or two, but I interrupted and told her I was still sorry for making her fall with me.

She kinda smiled then and said it was time to leave anyway. It was going to be sunset soon and the ice would get really cold then. Truthfully, I was glad to get out of the rink... which I still couldn't do without falling.

I was hoping we might be gonna to go sit down and have some hot chocolate with little marshmallows or something like that, but Genesis started waving everyone over to the door. She said her taxi was on the way and wanted to know if anyone needed a ride. Allyn and Carl said they were going to hang out for a bit....

and I really didn't want her to go yet. I mean, when's her dad gonna let her go out with people again?

Wow. Genesis felt all soft and cuddly, and that wasn't her sweater. I kinda surprised her, so it took her a moment to recover. But she looked really happy...

and sorta like she was hoping for something more.

Never let it be said that Spencer Severn didn't give a woman what she wanted.

And you know what Book? All that stuff about kissing and romance and whatever in those books of Mom's I keep snitching? Well, they're right. Kissing Genesis was, like, perfect. I was hearing music and seeing stars (or something) and smelling flowers and... just... wow... It was pretty amazing. Well, except for when Genesis' taxi started honking.

And all of a sudden it hit me. When was I going to get a chance to see her again? Next thing I knew, I was babbling on about how I knew her dad was real protective like and that we probably shouldn't be sneaking out anymore because if we got caught he'd be really mad at her. And I wondered if he would be okay with it if I called up and asked her on a real, proper date. Heck, her dad could even come with if he felt she'd be safer. Or maybe we could study together. Over at her place, so her dad could watch her like a hawk. Just... I'd do anything to see Genesis again.

The way her was looking at me was making my heart do flip flops, but her taxi was still honking outside. She kinda hurriedly said she'd love it, but we'd have to wait till she'd had a chance to talk with her dad a bit about it.

Then I told her I'd call her. Gah! I sounded like such a dork! I mean, I will call her and she knew I'd call her but actually saying "I'll call you" like that... geez.

So Rapunzel slipped into her taxi and headed back to her tower while her knight went home to his castle to try to thaw out. I wanted to call her as soon as I got home, but I realized that it might make her dad start wondering about just what was going on down at the skating rink. I guess I'll just have to be patient till she gets things worked out.

Any advice here Book? You know I suck at being patient.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awww, I've said it before and I'll say it again. I love Spencer! He is so cute. :) Smart boy not calling right away too. I hope she doesn't care that he's in the lower classes...

July 23, 2007 at 10:02 PM  
Blogger Arkali said...

What Alexis said. They are sooooo cute together. I love Spencer!

July 23, 2007 at 10:22 PM  
Blogger MysticSpirit said...

Well ... he seems sincere. I'll give him that. But ... things are never simple when it comes to you, Keth. ;O))

July 23, 2007 at 11:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are such cuties! I love Spencer. He has such a great personality! You've been able to sense the tension between him and Genesis since the very beginning. I worry about how it will work out for them once Genesis' dad finds out the truth, because I suspect he will be finding out the truth.

July 24, 2007 at 8:06 AM  
Blogger Laura said...

Spencer is so cute! I loved it when he said "Never let it be said that Spencer Severn didn't give a woman what she wanted". I hope things will work out for them.

August 2, 2007 at 3:44 PM  

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