Thursday, June 21, 2007

Chapter 2: Spencer

Empty Musings: Spencer, second entry

Hey Book it's me, Spencer! I'm back to fill you in some more on me and rest of my family.

Here I am getting ready to leave my two bestest buds, Mr. Bunny and Sir Bricky, behind...

Because it's my birthday. I'm a real boy now, complete with freaky pjs that match my skin. As if growing up with an udder in my face wasn't bad enough. They must've been some joke of Mom's, because Dad would never have bought me matching jammies. Of course, Dad's the same color green, so he's a little more understanding. I think...

Being a kid was pretty awesome. There was all sorts of cool stuff to do now that I was bigger. Like playing in the rain...

And playing with my big sister Charity. She was pretty happy that I didn't stick her dolls in my nose anymore.

Of course, there were some bad things about growing older too...

Like school. Ew. All sorts of numbers and stuff. The recess part was fun, but the rest? And the teacher always telling me what not to do? Oh, and what does "Talks out of turn" mean? The teacher wrote that on my report card. It looks like she started to write "Won't shut up." and then erased it.

I don't talk a lot, do I Book?

Well, do I?


Mom and Dad fixed the nasty school issue by inviting this strange guy to dinner one night. Dad showed him around the house and told Charity and I to talk to him for a little while. Apparently we said something right because a little later he went over to Dad and told him we were accepted to Parnassus Academy.

I didn't quite get it, but Dad explained that it was a pretty impressive school and that Charity and I must be really special to be accepted there.

Thankfully Dad didn't mean "Special in a Short Bus kind of way". I thought our new school might be easier than the old one. It was more fun, that was sure, with lots of creative things to do and plenty of time for recess. But, if anything, Parnassus Academy was even harder than school had been before.

Luckily Dad's really good with homework. I was completely lost with all that math. X1'=X1+2*X3+2*CE^t? X3'=2*X1+3*CE^t+X3? What gives? How do they expect a kid to figure that out?

But then, at that time I was happy to get any sort of attention from Mom or Dad.

You see Book, things were really getting crazy at home and Charity and I were willing to try about anything to get Mom and Dad to pay attention to us. Now that we were both kids and didn't need to be watched all the time, Dad was putting in a lot more time at work. When he was home it seemed like he was always sleeping or doing stuff with Mom.

Mom kind of had her hands full too. See that baby she was carrying around for the aliens decided it was time to come out and join the rest of the family. It had been making life hard for Mom for a while now, so she was pretty glad to get it out. I just wished it would go away entirely so they would start paying attention to me again.

Mom had a little alien girl and named her Cassiopeia. Charity was pretty excited about having a baby sister. "Ooo, you get to be the big brother now Spencer," she told me. "Just like I was your big sister."

Hmm... maybe this baby thing won't be so bad.

Pretty soon it was time for Charity to become my bigger Big Sister.

Mom threw Charity an great birthday party and invited lots of folks. Charity wasn't too thrilled about giving up her dragon wings, but once all the sparklies finished she was really glad she did.

I'm not sure where Mom rounded up the teenage boys, but she managed to invite several of the popular boys from Mnemosyne High to Charity's party. I heard Charity mention something about 'this 'dragon' is going to talk to a few 'knights' once she's done with her cake.' I was too interested on what was going on in the kitchen to stick around and find out.

You see...

Cassiopeia had her birthday too. She's an... interesting looking little girl. You can sorta tell we've only got one parent in common. But she's blond, like me. Wow, there's two of us now. Mom must be thrilled.

Oops, gotta run Book, got things to do and places to go, ya know.

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Blogger MysticSpirit said...

I still think his nose is cute! And it totally works with his face. His sister grew up nicely. I love how round her face is. Makes her cute ... and I'm sure she'll be very popular with the boys. What's her aspiration?

And his younger sister is adorable ... even with the big black eyes. :O))

July 2, 2007 at 9:11 AM  
Blogger Lisa said...

I think Spencer is going to be a nice looking young man.

Charity is pretty and Cassiopeia is cute, too!

July 2, 2007 at 11:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That picture of Spencer at the beginning is ADORABLE!!! I love it! Charity grew up into a pretty girl. I still think this is SK and Kasson and you are being sneaky...

July 19, 2007 at 10:58 AM  

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