Thursday, June 21, 2007

Chapter 3: Spencer

Empty Musings: Spencer, third entry

Hey Book, I'm back again. Still working to catch you up to date. Last time I talked about Charity and Cassiopeia having birthdays... well, Charity has us all beat in the cute department. She grew up real pretty. Dad's talked about having to buy a guard dog and a shotgun.

Cassi's kinda... different looking. If you really look at her you can tell that Dad's not really her dad. She doesn't have Dad's ears, like Charity and I do, but she also can't end up with his nose so I suppose that's a good thing. There are a lot of similarities between all us kids too. When the aliens abducted Mom, they really lucked out. I mean, if Cassi'd been born into one of my friends' families, she's stick out like a sore thumb. But since Dad and Charity and I are already green, nobody thinks twice about Cassi being kinda different. She sure does act a lot different from us though.

Charity's really popular at school, and she's not even on the cheerleading squad. It seems like there's always kids hanging out around the house after school. Most of 'em are pretty cool

But Big Sis does have some friends who are kinda weird...

And a couple who are just plain stupid. I mean, how dumb do you have to be to try to pet a skunk? Didn't Tosha ever watch cartoons? If you see a black and white stripey critter like that wandering about... that ain't no kitty. And she didn't learn after the first time she tried to pet it either.

Luckily Charity's boyfriend Matthew isn't that stupid. He's also about as crazy for her as Dad is for Mom. Sometimes Sis doesn't know what to do with him; he'd rather get all smoochy than study some days. I haven't heard her complain about all the attention from him though.

As a kid, I had a few friends of my own too but since Muse Ridge is still kind of new, there weren't a lot of kids my age to play with. Allyn was one of my best friends

And Genesis was the other. Allyn's family, the Fleigs, has been here for a while; she was born at Muse Memorial. Genesis was brand new to Muse Ridge though. I was the first friend she made after her family moved to town. That made me feel pretty special. But I realized there was one more person that it was pretty important -- maybe even more important -- that I be good friends with.

And that was my little sister. Charity had been my friend when I was Cassi's age. She'd let me play with her and hadn't even gotten upset when I stuck her dolls in my nose. But Charity was Dad's favorite and I was Mom's; Cassi wasn't anybody's favorite. Heck, Dad barely tolerated her. Oh, he was always nice to her but even as a kid I could tell he wished she was his kid and not some alien freak.

If I wasn't Cassi's friend, who would be? Besides, like Charity told me, I'm the big brother. Big brothers are supposed to take care of their little sisters, right?

And there was one more thing. Cassi's blond, like me. We're the only two in the family so we gotta stick together. I don't know how it happened; I thought aliens were supposed to be all bald or something. Dad said it wasn't true when I asked though. I wonder what the aliens really look like then. Maybe I'll meet 'em some day.

My birthday seemed to come around really fast. I mean, one minute Cassi and I were paying with Sir Bricky and the next Mom's got this big party going on for me with all her friends and my friends and Dad's friends and Charity's friends there.

This being my big birthday, the one where I become a teenager, I knew I had to make a pretty big and special wish...

But what to wish for? I mean, I had pretty much everything I really wanted. Well, except for that lemonade stand. Should I ask for a pony? Nah, Charity tried that and Mom told that horses weren't part of the Pets expansion.

And then I had it. The perfect wish.

Er... maybe I should've wished for Fashion Sense.

You can't tell it here, Book, but I'm wearing socks with my sandals.

Or maybe I should've wished for some coordination. Sir Bricky sure doesn't make a good dance partner I discovered.

No, you'll probably think I'm being sappy, Book, or that I'm not a normal teenager, but...

I wished for my weird little sister to have a great birthday. Isn't that the sort of thing big brothers do? Take care of their little sisters and make sure they're always happy? Well anyway, Cassi did have a great birthday. Mom says she'll grow into her face. Maybe.

It was an awesome rockin' party Mom threw us. I knew I had to go to school in the morning, but I just didn't want the night to end I was so wired. Or maybe that was from the frosting off the cake.

So you're caught up now Book. Maybe this diary stuff isn't all girly crap. But diary isn't really a manly name. So what are you then? A journal? A chronicle? Dunno. Maybe I'll have it figured out when I come to update you next.

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Blogger MysticSpirit said...

Hrm ... he is kinda dorky right now, isn't he. Let's hope he gets some better clothing soon. Not to mention coordination. And here's hoping his sister does grow into her looks. HA!

July 2, 2007 at 10:02 AM  
Blogger Lisa said...

It's so sweet that Spencer wants to look out for his baby sister.

*snicker* Stupid Maxis clothes! Hopefully Spencer will gain more co-ordination later. And Cassi will grow into her cheekbones.

July 2, 2007 at 11:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awwww! He is so sweet! You got some fantastic pictures too!

July 19, 2007 at 11:02 AM  
Blogger Arkali said...

Spencer is a sweetheart. And quite handsome. Cassi is - well, homely. Yikes!

July 20, 2007 at 10:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just getting caught up with this story and I love it! Spencer is great. "If you see a black and white stripey critter like that wandering about... that ain't no kitty." That had me laughing so hard!

July 20, 2007 at 2:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Mom says she'll grow into her face. Maybe." HA HA HA HA...I hope she does grow into her face.

August 31, 2007 at 1:41 PM  

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