Saturday, July 21, 2007

Chapter 10: Genesis' Version

Empty Musings: Genesis Steps Out

Dear Diary

You're not going to believe this. I almost couldn't believe it myself. Dad let me go hang out with friends without having him tag along as chaperon.

I'd just read in the paper that the ice rink downtown was open for the season, since we'd finally had a big snow here in Muse Ridge. Dad had signed me up for skating lessons years ago when we lived in Simconsin, but I haven't had a chance to do any skating the last couple places we've lived. I mentioned to him that the rink was open, hoping that I might be able to eventually convince him to let me go skating with Allyn and my friends. I was really surprised when he told me I could go today if I wanted to.

Well Diary, I wasn't going to sit around and wait for him to change his mind. I called up Allyn and a couple others right away. Tosha wasn't able to make it, but everyone else said they'd meet me down there.

It's been so long since I've been skating, I don't even have an outfit that fits anymore. Not like that's going to stop me from going. A sweater and good pair of leggings will work just as well as some frilly skating dress. I couldn't wait to get downtown and meet up with Allyn and everyone.

Diary, do you think I should've mentioned to Dad that I invited Spencer and Carl? Nah...

Allyn took off for the other side of the building right away, and Carl wasn't slow on following her, leaving me alone with Spencer. That Allyn. She probably planned on that happening, knowing how Carl follows her around like a puppy.

Anyway, I had a chance to finally talk to Spencer. Turns out the reason I never see him at the Academy is because his classes are in another part of the building, but he wouldn't tell me where. I guess I'll have to ask Tosha if she has classes with him and see if I can't surprise him after class one day.

Now while Spencer and I were chatting things up...

Allyn and Carl ran off to hit the coffee bar. Allyn has a serious addiction to those coffee drinks with the big long Italian names. Hopefully she didn't go overboard or she'll be bouncing off the walls again.

I don't think she did though, since she and Carl seemed to be interested in something other than coffee and skating. It took me forever to pry these two apart so we could hit the ice.

And since it's been so long since I've skated Diary, that was the first thing I did. I barely made it one lap before I wiped out. Ow. I forgot frozen water was so hard. I sure hope Spencer didn't see me.

I shouldn't have been too worried about what Spencer would think of me when I went down. He couldn't even get two feet onto the ice without falling on his bum. In fact, I don't anyone made it a full lap the first time without losing their footing *giggle*

Of course, if Carl had kept his mind on the ice and not... elsewhere... he might've had a little better luck with his skates (Allyn probably would've too)

Not like Spencer and I were exactly paying attention to our skating either.

Eventually we did get ourselves sorted out and started skating more and falling down less. Now if everyone could just keep up and stop lagging behind me.

I even remembered some of the spins and jumps I'd learned as a kid. I guess skating is like riding a bike. You never really forget how to do it.

You'll like this Diary. After one of my kiddie spins, I caught Spencer looking at me all impressed-like. He asked me I could show him any tricks or anything. Well, I've never done any doubles skating, but I knew a couple things we could try.

We were doing really well with the spin too, until Spencer got distracted. The next thing I know, arms and legs are flailing wildly everywhere and I'm having a really hard time trying to keep my balance.

Poor Spencer. I luckily fell on my rump, but he went face first on the ice. Full belly flop. He's lucky he didn't crack his chin into the ice and lose a tooth. He's gotta be hurting.

But this is getting kind of old Diary. My knees are really sore from getting up off the ice and my bum's cold from all the falling on it I've done. Maybe it's time to think about hanging up my skates for the day.

Spencer was so sweet. He asked if I was all right and tried to apologize. I explained that one of the first things they taught me at my skating lessons was to expect to fall down a lot. He said he was still sorry for making me fall.

I felt bad telling him that I thought we call it quits for the day. He obviously wanted to keep skating, but I don't think he could handle another wipe out like his last one. Plus it was almost sunset, and that ice is going to get pretty cold after sundown.

Once we were back inside, I rounded everyone up to see if anyone needed a ride and wanted to share a taxi with me. Carl and Allyn said they were going to stick around a while and.. um... 'skate' some more. Sure they will

And Spencer? Spenser surprised the heck out of me. He really didn't want me to leave.

He sure has a set of arms on him. He hugged the stuffing out of me Diary! I know I was still a little winded from skating but still... It made me wonder... if that's how he hugs, what are his kisses like?

Now if I'd known that Spencer was somehow able to read minds...

I don't think I would've wondered about anything different though.

He kisses just like hugs Diary. I didn't know if I was ever going to be able to catch my breath.

Was I supposed to hear bells and fireworks and things? It was all just... wow... I don't think have the words to describe it all Diary. But of course, my taxi had to pull up right then and spoil everything by honking. *sigh*

Spencer started babbling then, asking if he could see me again. He was so cute. Tosha apparently told him about my dad, and he started telling me he "was cool with that" and that he didn't want to get me in trouble by sneaking out with me. He wondered if he could pick me up for a proper date, or maybe we could study together. I didn't know what to say, and the taxi was still honking, so I told him we've had to wait and see.

He told me he'd call me. *squee*

So I'm back now Diary. Hopefully Spencer won't call me as soon as he's back home. Dad would get really suspicious about what I've been up to if there was a boy calling for me as soon as I walked in the door. Maybe if I work at it, Dad will let Spencer come over to study sometime. Hmmm, or I could invite Allyn or Tosha over and ask them to bring Spencer with. He can't complain too loudly if someone else brings him over.

Ugh, my toes are freezing. I've got to get inside before they become toesicles. I'll let you know how things work out Diary.



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Blogger Arkali said...

*SQUEE* is right!! They are such an AWESOME couple. So cute together. Spencer is just precious, too. Love him!

July 21, 2007 at 9:26 PM  
Blogger CeeCee said...

*sigh* I'm such a happy camper right now. I hope this is a sign that her father is starting to unbend a little.

They are just too cute together. *sigh*

July 21, 2007 at 10:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay! I am so happy for Genesis and Spencer! I really like these two. I hope they go to college together and get married and have lots of little green babies! Hehe.

July 22, 2007 at 10:43 PM  
Blogger MysticSpirit said...

Now that was great. I wish I had stuff like that happen to me growing up. But no luck. I've never even been on a REAL date. *sigh* I just hope neither of them ends up getting hurt ... what with Spencer and his lady-killer ways ... and Genesis' dad. :O(

July 23, 2007 at 11:32 PM  
Blogger Lisa said...

Spencer and Genesis are too cute together. I hope they stay together.

July 26, 2007 at 11:26 AM  

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